I have become a blessed crone.

The word crone often has the connotation of a crotchety old woman one wants to leave alone, for their own sake.

Certainly, old woman is in the definition; that's me, as I just turned 80. Crotchety means cranky and eccentric. Crotchety can be me if I don't eat (at least twice a day) or sleep (4-5 hours). I must, at least, have a nap and a snack.

However, I am blessed. I am passionate, yet calm and trust life; most of the time.

Recently, a word that comes to me, is allow. I like the thought of allowing, yet it can be terrifying. I want to allow life to happen. I've learned I don't have to push beyond who I am. I've learned dreams can come true when I name it, yet allow it to happen in it's own time.

I want to allow others to evolve on their own into who they really are. It sounds gentle and nebulous. Is it?

I've learned that when I trust in God, the benevolent force in my life, I trust others in their own lives.

I thought I had to do and be perfect, rising to the high standard someone else taught me to reach. That bar is gone. The teacher does appear as I, the student, is ready. Today I start my first blog. What are you ready for?

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