Are You Dismissing a Creative Wish?

Have you said to yourself, “I wish I could do that.” Did you let it go? Did you push that wish away? Did you think it was beyond your capabilities; yet, the silent yearning stayed? I know this place.

Here’s my dismissed wish; my desire to paint.

I don’t know when the desire first started; however, in my late thirties, the desire was strong. As a wife, mother, nurse, and more, I needed something new. I needed something for me. I checked the latest adult education bulletin. I saw an Ad for a six-week drawing class offered in the evening. It was called, “You Can Draw Too.”

I signed up. With fear of what might be, I attended class. Our teacher was a welcoming person. She emphasized all of us can draw. She emphasized all our drawings would be different. She said we’d all have choices of what we want to draw after a few basic exercises.

We were told to draw what we saw. Our first pencil drawing (no erasing) was focused on the shape of a provided fresh tree leaf. That class alone, made me more aware of the different shapes of leaves. We drew a picture of our own closed hand, using our other penciled hand without looking back at our paper. It took concentration and discipline and was more accurate than I anticipated. We were able to bring a photo, and then pick one small portion of the image and draw it. Really seeing, rather than drawing what we think we see, is the key.

I do confess, in our last class, we had to draw the side view of our tablemate’s face. I was stressed. Our teacher picked up my paper, paused, and said, “What have you done to Karl’s nose?” I was embarrassed yet relieved. I couldn’t draw what was before me and was afraid I’d have to show him.

Our teacher taught watercolor. I had no clue about watercolors; but, took her next class. From there, over a period of years, I painted at home with music playing and my teapot brewing. I took one-day classes by other artists. I went on to learn to paint with acrylics too. I made amazing friends with others striving to paint and encouraging one another.

This was the beginning of a creative outlet for me that has brought me joy, and even kept me steady in the pits of life.

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