Spiritual Direction-The Gift of Listening is published in August 2024 Connections

Dawn Cogger’s article, Spiritual Direction Gift of Listening is published in August 2024 Connections by Spiritual Directors International (SDI), edited by Seicho Sydney Roth. See: https://www.sdiworldcompanions.org/media/connections/connections-33-3-august-2024/

The article provides a personal vision of the sacred mutuality of the spiritual direction relationship.

Previously Dawn was published by SDI in 2010 in Presence-An International Journal of Spiritual Direction, Editor Nick Wagner. The personal reflection is entitled: God Meets Us Where We Are-The Spiritual Director Continues to Heal.

In 2017 Dawn’s essay, Electing to Love, was published in the anthology: Corners: Voices on Change, by www.JackWalkerPress, edited by Amy Lou Jenkins.

As a result of the article, Electing to Love, Dawn received a letter dated, October 30, 2018, from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The letter was written by the now deceased author, and first African American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, Toni Morrison. In the letter, author Toni Morrison talks about how she “never played it safe in the books she wrote.” She tells about her personal white friend, Morris Dees, and what he stands for at the SPLC.

The letter included two requests. One was asking me to sign an enclosed Note of Appreciation to Morris and his SPLC staff for their work. I did sign it and sent a contribution. The other request was to sign to agree to add my name to the Wall of Tolerance in Montgomery, Alabama, in “recognition to people like you who stand for justice and tolerance in their daily lives.”

Can you imagine my astonishment and joy? 

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