
Follow Time-Letting Our Soil Renew

In my last blog, I said I felt empty. I referenced Rumi’s poem, The Guest House. The poem tells me to welcome and accept all that comes, while being open to letting to go, and open to what is offered. ........

Feeling Empty—What’s Happening?

Life has changed these last few months. I am letting go of my life as it has been.I need to be home more with my ill husband. I find I cannot listen to, nor speak with other people as much. This SPACE ........

Are You Dismissing a Creative Wish?

Have you said to yourself, “I wish I could do that.” Did you let it go? Did you push that wish away? Did you think it was beyond your capabilities; yet, the silent yearning stayed? I know this place.H ........

Perfectionism Kills-I Choose Gentility

I didn’t know I was growing up with perfectionism. I knew I had to be quiet. I couldn’t give an opinion. I had to hide my fears and tears. I knew there was something wrong with me. I strived to meet t ........

I am a Blessed Crone Even in Chaos

Our world is filled with chaos; with many people and critters that don't have basic needs met. It is hard to hear, to witness the suffering. At one time, actually for many years, I thought I had ........


I have become a blessed crone.The word crone often has the connotation of a crotchety old woman one wants to leave alone, for their own sake.Certainly, old woman is in the definition; that's me, as I ........